Texas Senior Care and Housing Directory
Texas Senior Care and Housing Directory

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Texas S.A.L.T. Meeting Locations

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S.A.L.T. stands for Seniors and Law Enforcement Together. The S.A.L.T. Council was formed in 1996 as part of the national organization known as TRIAD. The TRIAD consists of police departments, sheriff's offices and representatives of senior citizen groups within a county.

Triad is not an acronym. The term refers to the three founding organizations of Triad: AARP, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), and the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA).

Triad is not a program; it's a partnership between senior citizens and law enforcement. Both groups benefit the community by sharing goals, desires, information and resources.

It's purpose is:

  • To decrease crime and the "fear" of crime in order to raise livability for our seniors.

  • To increase and improve senior crime prevention and education.

  • To improve local law enforcement's knowledge of the crime prevention needs of seniors.

  • To identify the concerns of local senior citizens.

  • To improve senior victim assistance.

  • To involve senior citizens in crime prevention and the educational efforts of S.A.L.T. and to raise awareness of the community of these special issues.

What can S.A.L.T. do?

S.A.L.T. Council activities have included the following:

  • Monthly programs on issues seniors have identified, i.e., telemarketing scams, mail theft, check fraud, ombudsman, etc.

  • Presented training for officers on sensitivity issues with Alzheimer's patients encountered on the streets as lost or missing.

  • Created, published and distributed brochure on Elder Abuse which raised awareness of issue and provided LOCAL support.

  • Refrigerator cards which list crucial medical and emergency information about a resident with special needs to aid emergency personnel dispatched to the home.

  • Neighborhood Watch programs to address the specific concerns of senior neighbors.

How does S.A.L.T. work?

The S.A.L.T. Council is a group made up of representatives from local Sheriff Offices, police departments, members of AARP, and local Senior Citizens.

Texas S.A.L.T. Meetings and Locations

Bandera County

Bandera County Sheriff's Office
P.O. Box 607
Bandera, Texas 78003
(830) 796-3771

Sheriff James MacMillan heads up the Triad program, a liaison between law enforcement and senior citizens. TRIAD identifies issues affecting seniors and develops programs to address those needs.

Burleson County

Meets monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at the Caldwell Senior Citizen's Center, 210 W. Buck St, at 2:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public. This organization offers programs benefiting citizens in Burleson County.

These services include:
Are You O.K.? A free daily telephone  computerized reassurance program.
CRITICAL ALERT: Telephone warning call alerting the elderly, disabled latch-key children or merchants of servere weather changes and other safety information in the county. To enroll or attain additional information contact:
Caldwell Area: Allan Edworthy - 979-272-1410 or Caldwell Senior Citizen's Center: 567-4759
Deanville Area: Randie Cook 979-535-4022
Somerville Area: Senior Citizen's Center 979-596-1822 or Barbara Pederson at 979-596-2525
FREE Gas and Smoke Alarms: TRIAD/S.A.L.T. member will install. Available to Elderly or Disabled qualified persons who have homes with natural gas or butane to operate hot water heater. Alarms designed to detect and warn occupants of dangerous gas leaks or fires. For information and applications, call:
Caldwell Area:
 567-4343 or 567-4455 or  567-7570 or 272-1410. Deanville Area: 979-535-4022. Somerville Area: 596-1633 or 596-2525 or   596-5226 or 596-1333.

Burnet County

Welcome to Triad of Burnet County.

TThe purpose of TRIAD is to educate and involve our community in keeping our senior citizens safe. Some of the services provided by TRIAD in conjunction with the Burnet County Sheriff's Office are: Are You OK, Daily Contact with Seniors, Contact with the Homebound & Latch Key Children; Elder Abuse, Prevention, Recognition and Reporting, and the STAR Line Service.

P.O. Box 1249
Burnet, TX 78611
Tel: (512) 756-1872
t[email protected]

Caldwell County

Established August 12, 1999
Meets at 10am on the last Mondays of the month rotating between Luling City Hall and Lockhart Senior Center. All seniors age 55 and over are invited to attend.
Carol Peters, Past President
36 Mill Street | Maxwell, TX 78656
Tel: (512) 268-2610
E-mail: [email protected]

Collin County

Triad is an inter-agency agreement between Collin County Sheriff, the Chiefs of Police, AARP and older/retired leadership in the county who have agreed to work together to reduce the criminal victimization of seniors and to enhance law enforcement for older citizens. Public invited to participate. Tel: (972) 547-5167.

Comal County

The Triad/SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) meets at 9:30 a.m. third Fridays at the Comal County Sheriff's Office. All persons interested in obtaining information and discussing means of preventing scams, fraud, and abuse of seniors are invited to join the group. There are no dues, fees, or charges of any kind.

Cooke County

Program is coordinated through the Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services of Texoma in conjunction with all the law enforcement agencies in Cooke County.  Meeting is held quarterly on the 3rd Thursday of February, May, August, and November.  Programs include:  
Telepal Reassurance:  Volunteer callers call daily to confirm well-being of shut-ins.  
Outreach to Seniors and Disabled Victims of Crime:  Program staff contact victims of crime to provide assistance with filing for crime victims compensation and screening for all benefits available. 
Pro-bono/Reduced Fee Legal Program:  Volunteer attorneys provide legal assistance to eligible seniors and people with disabilities on a sliding scale.
Texoma Money Management & Guardianship Program:  Money management services are provided to individuals that are in danger of losing their independence because of their inability to manage their finances or their vulnerability to exploitation.  Guardianship services are provided to incapacitated individuals that have no family or friends willing or suitable to function in that capacity.
Contact Benelle Fitts at 940-668-1858 for more information.

Dallas County

Dallas County SALT Council is supported by the Dallas Area Agency on Aging, AARP, Dallas County District Attorney's Office, and The Senior News Source. The key contact is Paul Zobisch, Publisher/Editor, The Senior News Source. Tel: 972-248-2573.

Denton County

The Triad solution: alone no more! 
One of the main reasons that seniors may be vulnerable is that they are isolated within the community. Lines of communication bread down. Contact with others, including law enforcement officials, may be infrequent. The Triad approach seeks to address and resolve this situation.

Fannin County

Program is coordinated through the Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services of Texoma in conjunction with all the law enforcement agencies in Fannin County.  Meeting is held quarterly on the 3rd Friday of January, April, July, and October.  Programs include:  
Telepal Reassurance:  Volunteer callers call daily to confirm well-being of shut-ins.  
Outreach to Seniors and Disabled Victims of Crime:  Program staff contact victims of crime to provide assistance with filing for crime victims compensation and screening for all benefits available. 
Pro-bono/Reduced Fee Legal Program:  Volunteer attorneys provide legal assistance to eligible seniors and people with disabilities on a sliding scale.
Texoma Money Management & Guardianship Program:  Money management services are provided to individuals that are in danger of losing their independence because of their inability to manage their finances or their vulnerability to exploitation.  Guardianship services are provided to incapacitated individuals that have no family or friends willing or suitable to function in that capacity.
Contact Stella Chennault at 903-583-5535 ext 30 for more information.

Grayson County

Program is coordinated through the Area Agency on Aging and Disability Services of Texoma in conjunction with all the law enforcement agencies in Grayson County.  Meeting is held quarterly on the 3rd Thursday of March, June, September, and December.  Programs include: 
Telepal Reassurance:  Volunteer callers call daily to confirm well-being of shut-ins.  
Outreach to Seniors and Disabled Victims of Crime:  Program staff contact victims of crime to provide assistance with filing for crime victims compensation and screening for all benefits available. 
Pro-bono/Reduced Fee Legal Program:  Volunteer attorneys provide legal assistance to eligible seniors and people with disabilities on a sliding scale.
Texoma Money Management & Guardianship Program:  Money management services are provided to individuals that are in danger of losing their independence because of their inability to manage their finances or their vulnerability to exploitation.  Guardianship services are provided to incapacitated individuals that have no family or friends willing or suitable to function in that capacity.
Contact Donna Baugh at 903-813-3503 for more information.

Hays County

The Hays County Triad/S.A.L.T. Council, comprised of Senior Citizens representing all areas of county, work with the Crime Prevention unit to reduce the victimization of Hays County Seniors as well as the rest of the population. Works  with Hays County Sheriff Don Montague's Crime Prevention Unit.

For More Information CALL  (512) 393-7373

Hidalgo County

Deputy Richard Mackintosh 
Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office 
P.O. Box 1228 
Edinburg, TX 78540 
Phone: (956) 383-8114
E-mail: [email protected]

The Hidalgo County, Texas Sheriff's Office participates in the Hidalgo County TRIAD, which is group of community leaders, law enforcement agencies, state and federal agencies, health care professionals, and others dedicated to protecting senior citizens.

Kerr County


Council meets the last Friday of each month at 9:00 AM in the 2nd Floor Training/Conference Room | Kerrville Police Department | 429 Sidney Baker, Kerrville, TX 78028.  This meeting is open to the public.
Mailing Address:
Kerrville TRIAD
P.O. Box 293332
Kerrville, TX 78029-3332
TRIAD Chairman Phone: (830)895-3107
Email:  [email protected]
Website:  www.kctriad.freewebspace.com


Medina County

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON TRIAD OR HOW TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER, contact the Medina County Sheriff's Office, 801 Ave Y, Hondo, Texas 78861- (830) 741-6150

Tarrant County

S.A.L.T. Council of Tarrant County meets every month on the first Tuesday at 2pm. Locations vary month to month. SALT is an acronym for Seniors And Law enforcement Together. Seniors and local police working together to prevent Seniors from becoming crime victims. Contact Officer Hudgins (see below) to get on the mailing list.

Contact Officer Hudgins at:  
Colleyville Police Department
P.O. Box 185/5201 Bransford Road
Colleyville, Texas 76034
817-428-8214 (FAX)
Email: [email protected]

Travis County

Austin Police Department - The S.A.L.T. Council was formed in 1996 as part of the national organization known as TRIAD. The TRIAD consists of police departments, sheriff's offices and representatives of senior citizen groups within a county. The Travis County S.A.L.T. Council is the advisory arm of the TRIAD. S.A.L.T. members meet monthly to discuss law enforcement issues of interest to the senior community.

Members accompanied by a police officer also make presentations to senior citizen groups about crime prevention and how to obtain further information. An important component is educating seniors about scams and other illegal schemes directed at this often vulnerable segment of our population. A community liaison is a member of the S.A.L.T. Council and provides support and information to the Council as well as participating in scheduled activities. For more information about S.A.L.T. or to schedule a presentation, please contact  Veronica Saldate 512-974-4735 or go to: https://austintexas.gov

Williamson County

S.A.L.T. (Seniors And Law Enforcement Together) is a cooperative effort of the Williamson County Sheriff's Office, the Cedar Park Police Department, the Leander Police Department, Williamson County Pct. 2 Constables Office, and the senior citizens of our community.

The purpose of S.A.L.T. as an organization is to decrease crime and the "fear" of crime in order to raise livability for our seniors; to increase and improve senior crime prevention and education; to improve local law enforcement's knowledge of the crime prevention needs of seniors; identify the concerns of local senior citizens; to improve senior victim assistance; and, to involve senior citizens in crime prevention and the educational efforts of S.A.L.T. in an effort to raise awareness of the community of these special issues.

Monthly S.A.L.T. Meeting: First Thursday of the month @ 10:00 a.m.
Location: Trinity Place Apartments, 1203 Cushing Dr, Round Rock TX
Contact: Abigail Lewing  - Office phone: (512) 218-5520
 [email protected]

Presented By: Members of SALT 

Purpose: To provide information to senior citizens. TRIAD is a cooperative effort of the National Sheriffs' Association, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP). On the local level, TRIAD unites seniors with police and sheriff departments. Each local TRIAD is guided by a volunteer council called SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together). The SALT Council decides what services or programs the TRIAD will offer, recruits volunteers and oversees the results. The TRIAD program is flexible, adaptable, low-cost and simple'but very effective.

Are You OK? - Williamson County, with the City of Georgetown, also offers another free program to serve homebound and senior citizens, Are you OK? Once you have registered, you choose a specific time of day to receive a daily computerized call. If you are ever unable to answer the phone, the computer sounds an alert and someone will come to check on you.

All elderly and homebound people living alone in Williamson County are eligible to participate. There is no cost to the participant. Applications are available at the Georgetown Police Dept., the Sheriff's Dept., or any EMS station. You can also call 943-1300 or 352-7462 for an application or more information.

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