Holidays can be times of joy and family celebrations-but the logistics of managing a holiday and caring for an elderly relative or loved one can put a lot of stress on caregivers at this time.
Here are a few tips on how caregivers can elevate stress during the holidays:
Skip the shopping mall. Shopping for gifts can be hugely stressful. First, you need to have the free time to go to the store, visit several stores as needed to find the things you want, and wait in long lines on heavy shopping days. You may need to scramble to find someone to stay with your elderly loved one, or bring them with you which, in some cases, can present challenges of its own. Give the whole mall scene a pass this year and buy everyone's presents online.
Hire temporary
help. You don't have to do it all yourself. You can hire
someone to help with in-home care through an agency on a temporary
basis so you can have more time to handle other tasks. You could
hire a cleaning company to give your home a once-over before guests
come if you're too busy to do it yourself. Or you could ask family
and friends to help out with care duties, errands, house cleaning,
or other tasks.
reasonable expectations. If you have lots of family living
nearby, it's possible there are expectations for you and your
elderly loved one to attend multiple parties, dinners,
present-giving sessions, and other events. There may also be an
expectation that you host a family event or let family members stay
over. This year, think about what's realistic for you. Who are your
first priorities, and how much can you reasonably be expected to do
this year? Be sure to tell your family ahead of time which events
you will and will not be attending, so everyone is prepared.
Be kind to yourself. The
holidays can be full of stress, and it's important to accept that
you can't do or be everything for everyone. Accept your limits and
be willing to lay down some boundaries about what you can and can't
take on this time of year along with your other responsibilities,
and it will make the holidays a little easier.
The holidays can be a stressful time for everyone-but the burden can
fall especially heavy on caregivers. Be aware of what you can and
can't take on, limit where you have to, and don't be hesitant to ask
for help-and you should be able to lessen the stress a little.
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